Where Usually Found
Bedbugs are usually found in dark, warm crevices in houses. Typical hiding places include under wallpaper, behind skirting boards, in cracks in furniture, in the seams and under Bedbugbuttons of mattresses, under the seats of chairs, behind pictures, in window frames, door locks and in the places where pipes penetrate walls.
What they do
Pierce the skin of mammals (including man) and birds and suck blood. As the bedbug pierces the skin with its sucking tube, a anticoagulant is injected to keep the blood flowing. Given suitable opportunity, bedbugs feed every five to six days, as long as the temperature is over 20 degrees Celsius. Feeding occurs at night, usually between 3 and 6 am.. when there is the greatest difference between Bedbugsthe environmental temperature and that of the victim. Bedbugs move towards warmth and can detect a difference in temperature of only 1 degree Celsius. They are not known to spread disease but like many blood-sucking insects cause irritation, accidental infection is caused when the skin is broken by scratching.
How to control (by natural methods)
Clean rooms thoroughly, inspect second-hand furniture and pictures before using or hanging them. It is unwise to use second-hand mattresses. Avoid visiting houses known or suspected to contain bedbugs. Bedbugs are not active below 10 degrees Celsius. Some ants and spiders prey on bedbugs
(By artificial methods)
Spray an insecticide in all crevices in which the bugs may be hiding. Serious infestations may be dealt with byBed-Bug eggs fumigation, providing professionals are engaged. Clothes suspected of carrying bedbugs should be placed in a clothes dryer for about one hour.
Life history and other comments
Adult bedbugs are about 3 mm long, wingless, and can only move by crawling. Each female bug may lay several hundred eggs over a period of months, providing food is available and the temperature is suitable. When no food is available or it is cold, an adult bedbug may remain inactive for up to two years. Eggs and immature individuals are more sensitive to cold and die below 13 degrees Celsius. A bedbug moults five times before becoming an adult. Bedbugs have transparent skin and the presence (or absence of blood) in the stomach can be easily seen.
Where to obtain professional advice
Melvyn or Kevin Gilbert. Phone. 03 3841636 (NEW ZEALAND)
Enquires and bookings
For inquires and free advice you can contact us via email admin@cpc.net.nz or on 03 384 1636 from 8.30am - 5pm Monday to Friday.
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